Friday 22 June 2012

My style

                                                  This is my second time writing this blog.

OK, my style is different than any one with my Miss Matched socks!These socks are 3 pairs of socks that are totally different patterns , and stripes ,spots you name it.
Here are some different style's and patterns

Here I am having dinner in the 'Wild Honey Inn' in county clare with chef 'Donal Skehan'.

This is really my Style .I know crazy don't you think ?

And of course this is my style.
My style is like ice cream and beef they don't go toeghter.
But most people think of me weird.But to remember it matches my personally.
And Im the little Miss Match girl.This why I named my blog 'The crazy Mis Matched blog.
I hope you like it !


  1. I think your style is great! Well done you.

  2. Sophia... I've always loved your style! Especially all those lovely shoes!

    Is that champagne you were drinking with Donal Skehan???

